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Interest Group Ratings

The file below contains interest group ratings for a wide variety of interest groups for the 1959-81 period. These are the data used in Poole (1981; 1984; 1990) and Poole and Daniels (1985). There are four files. One is a text file that explains how the data is organized and formatted and the other three files contain the data.

Interest Group Ratings 1959-81 (.37 meg ZIP file)

Below, courtesy of Greg Koger and Hans Noel, are the interest group ratings merged with the corresponding DW-NOMINATE scores in a STATA 8 file:

Interest Group Ratings 1959-81 Merged With DW-NOMINATE Scores (Stata 8 file)

The variables are the same as those listed in the text file cited above. Here is the output of the "d" command in STATA:

Contains data from C:\atime2009_Greg_Koger\vote_scores_poole_dataset_DW merged.
> dta
  obs:        12,268                          
 vars:            78                          16 Feb 2009 15:50
 size:     2,281,848 (99.6% of memory free)
              storage  display     value
variable name   type   format      label      variable label
year            int    %8.0g                  
congress        byte   %8.0g                  
session         byte   %8.0g                  
senate          byte   %8.0g                  
prid            long   %12.0g                 
party           int    %8.0g                  
state           byte   %8.0g                  
name            str11  %11s                   
ada             int    %8.0g                  
cope            int    %8.0g                  
nfu             int    %8.0g                  
ccus            int    %8.0g                  
aca             int    %8.0g                  
ike             int    %8.0g                  
jfk             int    %8.0g                  
lbj             int    %8.0g                  
nixon           int    %8.0g                  
ford            int    %8.0g                  
carter          int    %8.0g                  
cc              int    %8.0g                  
pfpike          byte   %8.0g                  
pdpike          byte   %8.0g                  
lfs             int    %8.0g                  
lfr             int    %8.0g                  
nr              int    %8.0g                  
ll              int    %8.0g                  
asc             int    %8.0g                  
ripon           int    %8.0g                  
uaw             int    %8.0g                  
nea             int    %8.0g                  
lwv             int    %8.0g                  
acu             int    %8.0g                  
ntu             int    %8.0g                  
lcv             int    %8.0g                  
cfa             int    %8.0g                  
nfo             int    %8.0g                  
afscme          int    %8.0g                  
afge            int    %8.0g                  
sane            int    %8.0g                  
aft             int    %8.0g                  
cwla            int    %8.0g                  
cw              int    %8.0g                  
ncsc            int    %8.0g                  
nfib            int    %8.0g                  
fcnl            int    %8.0g                  
cfnfmp          int    %8.0g                  
twr             int    %8.0g                  
nasc            int    %8.0g                  
afbf            int    %8.0g                  
ccause          int    %8.0g                  
bfw             int    %8.0g                  
umw             int    %8.0g                  
bctd            int    %8.0g                  
nwpc            int    %8.0g                  
cv              int    %8.0g                  
aclu            int    %8.0g                  
ccus2           int    %8.0g                  
csfca           int    %8.0g                  
csfce           int    %8.0g                  
csfcd           int    %8.0g                  
csfcs           int    %8.0g                  
cvvf            byte   %8.0g                  
reagan          byte   %8.0g                  
pfpjfk          int    %8.0g                  
pdpjfk          int    %8.0g                  
pfplbj          int    %8.0g                  
pdplbj          int    %8.0g                  
stateid         byte   %8.0g                  
district        byte   %8.0g                  
surname         str11  %11s                   surname
dw1             float  %9.0g                  dw1
dw2             float  %9.0g                  dw2
se1             float  %9.0g                  se1
se2             float  %9.0g                  se2
logl            float  %9.0g                  logl
choices         float  %9.0g                  choices
errors          float  %9.0g                  errors
gmp             float  %9.0g                  gmp
Here is the output of the "summ" command in STATA:

    Variable |       Obs        Mean    Std. Dev.       Min        Max
        year |     12268    1970.011    6.639235       1959       1981
    congress |     12268    91.26663    3.328694         86         97
     session |     12268    1.477665    .4995213          1          2
      senate |     12268    .1874796     .390312          0          1
        prid |     12268    8802.608    4352.841          2      92855
       party |     12268    1.384985    .4866117          1          2
       state |     12268    36.60597     21.1802          1         82
        name |         0
         ada |     11733    55.41174    110.5711          0        999
        cope |     11732    67.66408    121.6786          0        999
         nfu |      9066    64.12872    76.44327          0        999
        ccus |      4279    76.42603     159.755          0        999
         aca |     12267    58.93063    118.6254          0        999
         ike |      1065    57.06103    41.36188          0        999
         jfk |      1603    65.99813    34.88001          7        999
         lbj |      2657    68.27136    28.21599         12        999
       nixon |      3198    62.10475    40.66004          0        999
        ford |      1598    51.34856    29.54409          0        999
      carter |      2146    61.83411      44.821          0        999
          cc |     12267    55.43858    47.19641          0        999
      pfpike |      1065    57.46009    27.47313          0        100
      pdpike |      1065     43.0892    24.71956          0        100
         lfs |       535    71.66916    126.7192          0        999
         lfr |      4790    62.57891    46.81928          0        999
          nr |      7458    67.30397    139.4698          0        999
          ll |      5863    50.42521    109.8028          0        999
         asc |      6942    68.47854    85.12937          0        999
       ripon |      5864    57.14461    62.82929          0        999
         uaw |      6942     74.0739    136.9475          0        999
         nea |      6402    72.80897    106.1127          0        999
         lwv |      5349    80.03477    144.0166          0        999
         acu |      4813    51.76169    92.78953          0        999
         ntu |      5346    131.5802    291.9257          0        999
         lcv |      5346    69.25159    146.0506          0        999
         cfa |      5340    74.37715    162.1048          0        999
         nfo |      4278    67.60729    63.38608          0        999
      afscme |      3745    61.19065    80.43808          0        999
        afge |      2666    112.2671    204.3216          0        999
        sane |      3200    89.75281    214.1953          0        999
         aft |      3744    56.72543    59.63313          0        999
        cwla |      2143    65.58236    78.85674          0        999
          cw |      3211    48.51199    57.30203          0        999
        ncsc |      2146    57.12815    67.89769          0        999
        nfib |      2679    60.79918    57.17697          0        999
        fcnl |      2146    49.76514    71.86275          0        999
      cfnfmp |      2145    48.46993    70.09536          0        999
         twr |      1068     36.7912      46.938          0        999
        nasc |      2145    54.33007    74.63026          0        999
        afbf |      1605    58.86231    64.10596          0        999
      ccause |      1067    62.53327    54.33345          0        999
         bfw |      1611    60.36065    47.62492          0        999
         umw |      1071    50.86928    66.89531          0        999
        bctd |      1071    55.33987    62.06691          0        999
        nwpc |       538    57.26766    89.15316          0        999
          cv |      1071    55.74603    68.03171          0        999
        aclu |      1611    106.4972    234.1274          0        999
       ccus2 |       538    823.1859    368.4508          7        999
       csfca |      1611    108.9323     231.296          8        999
       csfce |      1078    56.14378    89.99313          4        999
       csfcd |      1078    58.16976      89.475          0        999
       csfcs |      1078    52.73562    90.44301          1        999
        cvvf |       533    62.61538    34.64786          0        100
      reagan |       533    59.22326    18.58593         21         94
      pfpjfk |      1603    68.43419    40.47547          0        999
      pdpjfk |      1603    65.87087    41.55132          5        999
      pfplbj |      2657    69.53143    41.30633          0        999
      pdplbj |      2657    68.52616    33.28201          7        999
     stateid |     12263    36.60882    21.17806          1         82
    district |     12263    8.330425    11.42941          0         99
     surname |         0
         dw1 |     12263   -.0604919    .3373577     -1.108      1.586
         dw2 |     12263    .0670965    .5280523     -1.209      1.475
         se1 |     12257    .0673739    .0477311       .012       .644
         se2 |     12257    .1961957    .1353477       .015      2.981
        logl |     12257   -135.5963     138.125  -921.7478       .899
     choices |     12257    542.3075    333.9483         30       1217
      errors |     12257    77.84442    61.61191          0        434
         gmp |     12257    .7402389    .0750378       .349       .964