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Due 24 August 2011

  1. The aim of this problem is to familarize you with the classic KYST scaling program. Download the program

    KYST Program (can be compiled with gfortran)

    and the sample data file

    Georgia Driving Distances Data

    and place them in the same folder on a WINTEL machine.

    The sample data file is reproduced below. It contains the driving distances between 13 cities in Georgia.
    PRINT HISTORY, PRINT DISTANCES     Outputs some useful data we can use later
    TORSCA                             Method to get initial starting configuration
    PRE-ITERATIONS=3                   Number Iterations to Improve starting config.
    DIMMAX=2,DIMMIN=2                  Maximum & Minimum Number of Dimensions
    COORDINATES=ROTATE                 Rotate Coordinates so Principal Components lie along axes
    ITERATIONS=50                      Maximum Number of Iterations
    REGRESSION=POLYNOMIAL=1            Regression for Similarities -- METRIC MDS
    DATA,LOWERHALFMATRIX,DIAGONAL=PRESENT,CUTOFF=0.0 Anything below 0.0 is Missing Data
     14  1  1                          14 = # of Cities; Always set the next two numbers = 1
    (13X,101F6.0)                      Format Statement For Dataset
    Albany          000    37   165   204   173    86   216   103   157   222   209   177    79   114
    Americus         37   000   129   187   197    60   180    70   104   186   202   166   116   144
    Atlanta         165   129   000   147   268   106    54    82    91    66   246   199   226   232
    Augusta         204   187   147   000   183   219   137   124    91   212   122    78   220   172
    Brunswick       173   197   268   183   000   250   292   186   189   332    76   105   122    60
    Columbus         86    60   106   219   250   000   159    95   129   139   253   214   165   198
    Gainesville     216   180    54   137   292   159   000   119   107    87   247   202   268   266
    Macon           103    70    82   124   186    95   119   000    34   147   165   121   150   151
    Milledgeville   157   104    91    91   189   129   107    34   000   156   159   108   180   162
    Rome            222   186    66   212   332   139    87   147   156   000   311   264   291   297
    Savannah        209   202   246   122    76   253   247   165   159   311   000    53   166   104
    Statesboro      177   166   199    78   105   214   202   121   108   264    53   000   161    99
    Valdosta         79   116   226   220   122   165   268   150   180   291   166   161   000    62
    Waycross        114   144   232   172    60   198   266   151   162   297   104    99    62   000
    COMPUTE                 These two Lines             
    STOP                    Must Always be Included     
    You must run the program from a DOS Window. To run the program type:


    The program will then prompt you for three file names: the name of the data file (it calls this the "Control Card File"); the name of an output file that you can then print out; and the name of the file for the coordinates.

    Control Card File? georgia.txt
    Printer Output File? georgia.prn
    Coordinate Output File? georgia.dat

    The program then runs the analysis and writes the output files to disk.

    The first part of this homework problem is to produce a two dimensional graph of the coordinates that are in the georgia.dat. To do this The first step is to use Epsilon to insert the names from the georgia.txt file into georgia.dat. Open georgia.dat with Epsilon. You should see this:

    We want to save the original file so we are going to write a copy of georgia.dat to disk and we will call it gacoords.dat. Type the command:

    C-X C-W -- This means Hold the Control key down and type X then hold the Control key down and type W" -- the Write File Command in Epsilon

    You will see:

    Now type the file name gacoords.dat:

    Now, just hit the Enter key and you should see:

    Now Type

    C-X 2 -- This means "Hold the Control key down and type X and then type 2" (The Split Window Command in Epsilon)

    You should see the following:

    Note that your cursor will be in the bottom screen. Now we want to place georgia.txt in the bottom screen. To do this, use the command:

    C-X C-F -- This means "Hold the Control key down and type X then hold the Control key down and type F" -- (The Find File Command in Epsilon)

    You will see:

    Now type georgia.txt:

    Now, just hit the Enter key and you should have the two files in the split window:

    Before continuing with the problem, you will sometimes want to find a file but you have forgotten the name. Suppose, however, you know what directory it is in. In the above, instead of typing georgia.txt at the end of the path statement, try simply hitting the Enter key. You will see:

    Epsilon lists all the files in the directory and the cursor will be positioned at the top. You can use the down and up arrow keys to move up and down the file list. Position the cursor at the beginning of the file you want and hit the Spacebar. The file will appear in the bottom window just as above. To close the screen your cursor is in you can use the command:

    C-X 0 -- This means "Hold the Control key down and type X then type 0 (zero not ohh)" (This is the Kill Window command in Epsilon).

    To close all screens except the one your cursor is in, you can use the command:

    C-X 1 -- This means "Hold the Control key down and type X then type 1" (This is the Display only this Window command in Epsilon).

    What we are going to do next is write a macro that will take the names of the cities from the georgia.txt file and insert them into the coordinates embedded in gacoords.dat. Before we begin, use the C-X p command (Select a Window command in Epsilon) to go down into the lower screen and position the cursor so that it is in front of "Albany" (Move to Window command in Epsilon). The C-X UP and The C-X DOWN commands (see the Selecting Windows Commands In the Epsilon Manual) also move UP (the up arrow key) and DOWN (the down arrow key) windows. Return to the upper screen using the C-X p or C-X UPcommand. To begin the macro, type:

    C-X ( -- This means "Control-X" then "(" Start keyboard macro in Epsilon).

    You will see:

    Note the Remembering at the bottom of the screen. Epsilon now records all the key-strokes that you enter until you give the command C-X ) (End keyboard macro in Epsilon). (Also note the asterisk "*" to the far right of the name line at the bottom of the top screen. This is a signal from Epsilon that the file has been altered and not saved. If you clicked on "File Save" that asterisk will not be there.) We will not need the numbers 1 to 32 that are before the two dimensional coordinates. So enter the command:

    C-D C-D -- This means "Control-D" twice. (Delete Character in Epsilon). Note that this is exactly the same as hitting the Delete key twice. You should see:

    Now we are going down to the lower screen to pick up the names. To do this, first type:

    C-X DOWN ( the Selecting Windows Commands In the Epsilon Manual)to go to the lower screen, then type
    C-U (the argument command in Epsilon which is used to repeat keystrokes automatically). You will see:

    Type 13 (the 4 disappears) and then C-F ( forward character in Epsilon). Your cursor will end up a few spaces to the right of the "000" (C-F is the same as Right-Arrow.) Now type:


    And you should see:

    Now, enter the following commands one at a time:

    C-P (up one line in Epsilon) This moves the cursor up one line so it is once again in front of "Albany"
    C-K (kill line) Note that "Albany" disappears -- this places it in the "Kill Buffer"
    C-Y (yank from Buffer) Viola, it disgorges it -- this "Yanks" the text from the buffer (the cursor will be at the end)
    C-D (delete character) This re-assembles the original line.
    C-A (go to the beginning of the line) This takes the cursor to the beginning of the line
    C-N (move down one line) This positions the cursor at the beginning of the line below. We need to do this so that when the macro runs the first time it gets Americus, not Albany!!
    C-X UP Go back up to the top screen
    C-Y Yank Albany from the buffer
    C-A Go to the beginning of the line
    C-N Position the cursor at the beginning of the line below
    C-X ) (end the keyboard macro) This ends the remembering and completes the macro.

    You should see:

    To execute the macro one time type:

    C-X E (run keyboard macro one time) -- This means "hold the Control key down and type X then type E"

    You should see:

    Before executing the macro multiple times it is always good practice to check how many lines there are in the file so that you do not try to go beyond the end of the file (which can have some pretty nasty consequences). To do this type:

    C-X L (count the number of lines in the file) -- This means "hold the Control key down and type X then type L"

    You should see:

    Epsilon tells you that there are 14 lines and the cursor is on line 3. We need to run the macro 12 times but lets execute it only 11 times just to be on the safe side (this is good practice!). To do this type:

    C-U -- Control-U. You should see:

    The C-U function will cause whatever command you enter next to be repeated. The "4" is a default. Simply type:

    11 C-X E

    You should see:

    Now, simply execute the macro one more time and you are done:

    C-X E

    Your cursor should be right below Waycross. We no longer need georgia.txt so close the lower screen by typing (as described above):

    C-X 1

    Now save the file in the normal WINDOZE fashion by clicking the floppy token. You can also do this by typing the command:

    C-X C-S (save file command)

    Now, place the cursor back at the top of the file. You can do this by simply using the Page-Up but try the command:

    ESC < -- This means "hit the Escape key then hit the < (less than) key.

    To go to the bottom of the file use the command:

    ESC >

    (Note that the two commands are the same as:

    ALT-< (go to the beginning of the file) -- Hold down the ALT key and type< (less than).

    ALT-> (go to the end of the file) -- Hold down the ALT key and type> (greater than).)

    Now exit Epsilon. It will complain because georgia.txt is still sitting in a buffer and has not been saved. You will see this:

    Click on "Exit" and it will flush the altered version of georgia.txt from its buffer and quit. If you look at georgia.txt on your disk drive it will be unaltered.

    Now, start R

    and enter the command: georgianames <- read.table("C:/uga_course/gacoords.dat",header=F,row.names=1)

    This tells R to read in the file you just created. (Be sure to correctly type in the correct path statement!) The "header=F" tells R that we do not have labels for the columns and the "row.names=1" tells R that the first column are row labels. Now type:


    and you should see:

    Note that R puts the default headers "V2" and "V3" above the coordinate columns! Now enter the commands:

    attach(georgianames) -- This tells R that you want to work with the columns in "georgianames"
    text(V2,V3,labels=row.names(georgianames),adj=0) -- This sticks the names into the plot!

    1. Turn in the above plot.

    2. Note that R has chopped off the names on the right side. We can fix this by telling R to change the scale of the axes. To do this enter the commands:


      Turn in the above plot.

  2. Continuing with the plotting exercise, download this R Program:

    Plot_Georgia.r -- Plot Program

    #   The cross-hatch is used as a comment marker -- R ignores the line
    # plot_georgia.r -- Does a graph of the 14 Cities using KYST output    Always put the name of the program at the top
    #                       file gacoords.dat
    # Albany         0.132  0.828    This is not necessary but I have no memory
    # Americus      -0.144  0.621    so I always put in the file if its small so
    # Atlanta       -0.960 -0.088    I do not forget what I am doing!
    # Augusta        0.032 -0.939
    # Brunswick      1.319 -0.094
    # Columbus      -0.620  0.743
    # Gainesville   -1.087 -0.552
    # Macon         -0.257  0.024
    # Milledgeville -0.267 -0.300
    # Rome          -1.530 -0.012
    # Savannah       1.017 -0.647
    # Statesboro     0.605 -0.576
    # Valdosta       0.790  0.755
    # Waycross       0.969  0.236
    #  Remove all objects just to be safe
    rm(list=ls(all=TRUE))  This is not strictly necessary but I do not trust R
    library(MASS)          This is a standard R library
    #  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%   The next set of commands read the file.
    #  Read gacoords.dat                         This is admitedly clunky way of doing things
    #  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%   but it is bulletproof if you are careful.
    rcx.file <- "c:/uga_course_homework_1/gacoords.dat"  Path to the File -- You need the quotes.
    # Standard fields and their widths -- KYST output Legislators
    rcx.fields <- c("name","dim1","dim2")   You need to name the columns. 
    rcx.fieldWidths <- c(13,7,7)            You need to give it the exact widths of the columns
    # Input City Coordinates
    T <- read.fwf(file=rcx.file,widths=rcx.fieldWidths,as.is=TRUE,col.names=rcx.fields) The Read Statement
    dim(T)                   This Turns it into an R dataframe (which looks like a matrix)
    #T <- as.matrix(T)       If you do not have any text in the dataset this command 
    #                        is handy because it makes your input data a true matrix and not a dataframe
    names <- T[,1]
    dimension1 <- T[,2]      These three commands just make life easier -- they are
    dimension2 <- T[,3]      not necessary
    nrow <- length(T[,1])    Here is how you can figure out the number of variables
    ncol <- length(T[1,])    and the number of columns
    #  This puts more white space
    #    on the Right-Hand-Side Margin
    par(mar=c(4.1,5.1,4.1,5.1))  This controls the margins on all 4 sides of the plot
    plot(dimension1,dimension2,type="n",asp=1,  The "n" says no visible plot; asp=1 means 
           main="",                             maintain the aspect ratio
           xlim=c(-2.0,2.0),ylim=c(-2.0,2.0))   These have to be the same for asp=1 to work
    points(dimension1,dimension2,pch=16,col="red") Plot the Points
    axis(1,font=2)                                 Horizontal axis in bold font
    axis(2,font=2,cex=1.2)                         Vertical axis in bold font
    # Main title
    mtext("Georgia Cities From Driving Distances",side=3,line=1.00,cex=1.2,font=2)  Side 3 is the top
    # x-axis title                                                                  line= controls position
    mtext("This Seems to be Rotated",side=1,line=2.75,cex=1.2)
    # y-axis title
    mtext("Who the Heck Knows",side=2,line=2.5,cex=1.2)
    # pos -- a position specifier for the text. Values of 1, 2, 3 and 4, 
    # respectively indicate positions below, to the left of, above and 
    # to the right of the specified coordinates 
    namepos <- rep(4,nrow)     This generates a nrow-length vector of 4's
    #namepos[1] <- 4    # Albany       
    #namepos[2] <- 4    # Americus   I stuck in the City Names so      
    #namepos[3] <- 4    # Atlanta    You can control their positions
    #namepos[4] <- 4    # Augusta      
    #namepos[5] <- 4    # Brunswick    
    #namepos[6] <- 4    # Columbus     
    #namepos[7] <- 4    # Gainesville  
    #namepos[8] <- 4    # Macon        
    #namepos[9] <- 4    # Milledgeville
    #namepos[10] <- 4   # Rome         
    #namepos[11] <- 4   # Savannah     
    #namepos[12] <- 4   # Statesboro   
    #namepos[13] <- 4   # Valdosta     
    #namepos[14] <- 4   # Waycross     
    text(dimension1,dimension2,names,pos=namepos,offset=00.00,col="blue") This Plots the Names.
    #                                       The offset= adjusts how far the name is from the point.

    Run the program in R and you should get this:

    1. Produce a nice plot of the Cities by adjusting the positions of the names in the namepos[] vector (just delete the "#" at the beginning of the line) and the offset control. Turn in this plot.

    2. The Cities are clearly in the wrong orientation. Note that, because we are dealing with distances, the configuration recovered by KYST is only going to be identified up to a choice of origin and a rotation. In general, a rotation matrix in two dimensions is:

      Where Q is the angle in radians. You can rotate the coordinates clockwise p/4 radians (45 degrees) with this code fragment:
         pi <- 3.141592653589793
         pi4 <- pi/4
         dimension1 <- cos(pi4)*T[,2] + sin(pi4)*(-1.0)*T[,3]
         dimension2 <- sin(pi4)*(-1.0)*T[,2] + cos(pi4)*(-1.0)*T[,3]
      Note that I have flipped the sign on the second dimension in the formula above.

      Use the above formula to rotate your configuration until it makes sense, properly label the X and Y axes by changing the labels in "mtext", and neatly arrange the city names. Turn in the Plot.

  3. Download the data file

    U. S. Map Driving Distance Data

    and place it in the same folder with KYST.

    The data file is reproduced below. It contains the lower half of a driving distance matrix computed between 10 U.S. cities -- Atlanta, Boise, Boston, Chicago, Cincinnati, Dallas, Denver, Los Angeles, Miami, and Washington, D.C..
    PRINT HISTORY, PRINT DISTANCES         This Option Prints out Some Useful Intermediate Output
     10  1  1
     2340 0000
     1084 2797 0000
      715 1789  976 0000
      481 2018  853  301 0000
      826 1661 1868  936  988 0000
     1519  891 2008 1017 1245  797 0000
     2252  908 3130 2189 2292 1431 1189 0000
      662 2974 1547 1386 1143 1394 2126 2885 0000
      641 2480  443  696  498 1414 1707 2754 1096 0000
    Run this data set through KYST and get the coordinates.

    1. Modify the Plot_Georgia.r program to make a plot of the 10 U.S. Cities. Turn in a listing of the program and the two dimensional plot.

    2. Change REGRESSION=POLYNOMIAL=1 to REGRESSION=ASCENDING and run it through KYST (the "ascending" tells KYST to do a Nonmetric MDS on dissimilarity data). Compare the Stress values for 1 to 3 dimensions with those obtained above and compare the two dimensional plot obtained with this option to that in part (a).

  4. In this problem we are going to do a classic non-metric MDS on the Morse Code data. Download data files:

    Morse Code Data Lower Half

    Morse Code Data Upper Half

    and place it in the same folder with KYST. Here is what MORSEKYSTSL.DAT looks like:
     36  1  1
    A 92  4  6 13  3 14 10 13 46  5 22  3 25 34  6  6  9 35 23  6 37 13 17 12  7  3  2  7  5  5  8  6  5  6  2  3 A
    B  5 84 37 31  5 28 17 21  5 19 34 40  6 10 12 22 25 16 18  2 18 34  8 84 30 42 12 17 14 40 32 74 43 17  4  4 B
    C  4 38 87 17  4 29 13  7 11 19 24 35 14  3  9 51 34 24 14  6  6 11 14 32 82 38 13 15 31 14 10 30 28 24 18 12 C
    D  8 62 17 88  7 23 40 36  9 13 81 56  8  7  9 27  9 45 29  6 17 20 27 40 15 33  3  9  6 11  9 19  8 10  5  6 D
    E  6 13 14  6 97  2  4  4 17  1  5  6  4  4  5  1  5 10  7 67  3  3  2  5  6  5  4  3  5  3  5  2  4  2  3  3 E
    F  4 51 33 19  2 90 10 29  5 33 16 50  7  6 10 42 12 35 14  2 21 27 25 19 27 13  8 16 47 25 26 24 21  5  5  5 F
    G  9 18 27 38  1 14 90  6  5 22 33 16 14 13 62 52 23 21  5  3 15 14 32 21 23 39 15 14  5 10  4 10 17 23 20 11 G
    H  3 45 23 25  9 32  8 87 10 10  9 29  5  8  8 14  8 17 37  4 36 59  9 33 14 11  3  9 15 43 70 35 17  4  3  3 H
    I 64  7  7 13 10  8  6 12 93  3  5 16 13 30  7  3  5 19 35 16 10  5  8  2  5  7  2  5  8  9  6  8  5  2  4  5 I
    J  7  9 38  9  2 24 18  5  4 85 22 31  8  3 21 63 47 11  2  7  9  9  9 22 32 28 67 66 33 15  7 11 28 29 26 23 J 
    K  5 24 38 73  1 17 25 11  5 27 91 33 10 12 31 14 31 22  2  2 23 17 33 63 16 18  5  9 17  8  8 18 14 13  5  6 K
    L  2 69 43 45 10 24 12 26  9 30 27 86  6  2  9 37 36 28 12  5 16 19 20 31 25 59 12 13 17 15 26 29 36 16  7  3 L
    M 24 12  5 14  7 17 29  8  8 11 23  8 96 62 11 10 15 20  7  9 13  4 21  9 18  8  5  7  6  6  5  7 11  7 10  4 M 
    N 31  4 13 30  8 12 10 16 13  3 16  8 59 93  5  9  5 28 12 10 16  4 12  4 16 11  5  2  3  4  4  6  2  2 10  2 N
    O  7  7 20  6  5  9 76  7  2 39 26 10  4  8 86 37 35 10  3  4 11 14 25 35 27 27 19 17  7  7  6 18 14 11 20 12 O
    P  5 22 33 12  5 36 22 12  3 78 14 46  5  6 21 83 43 23  9  4 12 19 19 19 41 30 34 44 24 11 15 17 24 23 25 13 P
    Q  8 20 38 11  4 15 10  5  2 27 23 26  7  6 22 51 91 11  2  3  6 14 12 37 50 63 34 32 17 12  9 27 40 58 37 24 Q
    R 13 14 16 23  5 34 26 15  7 12 21 33 14 12 12 29  8 87 16  2 23 23 62 14 12 13  7 10 13  4  7 12  7  9  1  2 R
    S 17 24  5 30 11 26  5 59 16  3 13 10  5 17  6  6  3 18 96  9 56 24 12 10  6  7  8  2  2 15 28  9  5  5  5  2 S
    T 13 10  1  5 46  3  6  6 14  6 14  7  6  5  6 11  4  4  7 96  8  5  4  2  2  6  5  5  3  3  3  8  7  6 14  6 T
    U 14 29 12 32  4 32 11 34 21  7 44 32 11 13  6 20 12 40 51  6 93 57 34 17  9 11  6  6 16 34 10  9  9  7  4  3 U
    V  5 17 24 16  9 29  6 39  5 11 26 43  4  1  9 17 10 17 11  6 32 92 17 57 35 10 10 14 28 79 44 36 25 10  1  5 V
    W  9 21 30 22  9 36 25 15  4 25 29 18 15  6 26 20 25 61 12  4 19 20 86 22 25 22 10 22 19 16  5  9 11  6  3  7 W
    X  7 64 45 19  3 28 11  6  1 35 50 42 10  8 24 32 61 10 12  3 12 17 21 91 48 26 12 20 24 27 16 57 29 16 17  6 X
    Y  9 23 62 15  4 26 22  9  1 30 12 14  5  6 14 30 52  5  7  4  6 13 21 44 86 23 26 44 40 15 11 26 22 33 23 16 Y 
    Z  3 46 45 18  2 22 17 10  7 23 21 51 11  2 15 59 72 14  4  3  9 11 12 36 42 87 16 21 27  9 10 25 66 47 15 15 Z 
    1  2  5 10  3  3  5 13  4  2 29  5 14  9  7 14 30 28  9  4  2  3 12 14 17 19 22 84 63 13  8 10  8 19 32 57 55 1
    2  7 14 22  5  4 20 13  3 25 26  9 14  2  3 17 37 28  6  5  3  6 10 11 17 30 13 62 89 54 20  5 14 20 21 16 11 2
    3  3  8 21  5  4 32  6 12  2 23  6 13  5  2  5 37 19  9  7  6  4 16  6 22 25 12 18 64 86 31 23 41 16 17  8 10 3
    4  6 19 19 12  8 25 14 16  7 21 13 19  3  3  2 17 29 11  9  3 17 55  8 37 24  3  5 26 44 89 42 44 32 10  3  3 4
    5  8 45 15 14  2 45  4 67  7 14  4 41  2  0  4 13  7  9 27  2 14 45  7 45 10 10 14 10 30 69 90 42 24 10  6  5 5
    6  7 80 30 17  4 23  4 14  2 11 11 27  6  2  7 16 30 11 14  3 12 30  9 58 38 39 15 14 26 24 17 88 69 14  5 14 6
    7  6 33 22 14  5 25  6  4  6 24 13 32  7  6  7 36 39 12  6  2  3 13  9 30 30 50 22 29 18 15 12 61 85 70 20 13 7
    8  3 23 40  6  3 15 15  6  2 33 10 14  3  6 14 12 45  2  6  4  6  7  5 24 35 50 42 29 16 16  9 30 60 89 61 26 8
    9  3 14 23  3  1  6 14  5  2 30  6  7 16 11 10 31 32  5  6  7  6  3  8 11 21 24 57 39  9 12  4 11 42 56 91 78 9
    0  9  3 11  2  5  7 14  4  5 30  8  3  2  3 25 21 29  2  3  4  5  3  2 12 15 20 50 26  9 11  5 22 17 52 81 94 0
    This is the famous morse code data. If you compare this file to MORSEKYSTSU.DAT they are exactly the same except the matrix is transposed.

    1. Run MORSEKYSTSL.DAT and MORSEKYSTSU.DAT through KYST (be sure to use unique output file names) in 1 to 3 dimensions. To do this change:

      DIMMAX=2,DIMMIN=2 to


      using Epsilon. Report the Stress values for 1 to 3 dimensions for the two halves of the data.

    2. Make two-dimensional Plots for the two halves of the data (use Epsilon to put the 26 letters and 10 integers before the corresponding coordinates). (You can modify the Plot_Georgia.r program to do this.) Turn in the plots and the R code. Do the plots look the same?